A Disinfecting Solution for Many Applications!

Rely+On MDC – A Disinfecting Solution for Many Applications!

Everyone loves a multi-tasking product, and when that product is a cleaner/disinfectant, it not only helps cut cost and cleaning closet clutter, but also confusion over which of the countless bottles is for what. There is no room for error when it comes to choosing the appropriate product for the job in a medical environment, and Lanxess Rely+On MDC helps to eliminate the opportunity for someone to make the wrong selection by reducing the options they have in the first place. Rely+On MDC isn’t for every surface every time, but its uses are extensive and varied. Let’s take a look at just some of the jobs this disinfecting solution is equipped to tackle.

Cleaning/Disinfecting Emergency Response Vehicles:

There are many hard surfaces in ambulances and other emergency response vehicles that must be cleaned and disinfected regularly, often many times each day. It is important that the disinfecting solution used be powerful enough to battle HIV, MRSA, Influenza A Virus and Hepatitus A, B and C, as well as a host of other potential pathogens that surfaces may have been contaminated with. Rely+On MDC does just that, with its easy-to-use formula that is both a cleaner and disinfectant, reducing the time required to prepare the vehicle for its next use.

CPR Manikin Sanitizer:

CPR manikins come into contact with countless people who are learning how to properly administer CPR on a person, and with these countless people comes countless opportunities for contamination. It is important that a CPR manikin be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after each use, and Rely+On MDC disinfecting solution makes a great choice for the job. Rely+On MDC is a fast and effective manikin sanitizer, boasting a speedy 30 second sanitation time!

School Gyms and Nurses’ Offices:

Even if some of the kids in the nurse’s office are just trying to get out of gym class, many others are actually sick. Most schools have hundreds of enrolled students, and many have a thousand or more. Add in the faculty and staff, and the number of people that pass through the nurse’s door every day can easily be in the dozens. It is important to keep the nurse’s office as clean as possible, and a disinfecting solution like Rely+On MDC can be an integral part of making that possible. These are just a few of the many places that Rely+On MDC makes a smart choice for a disinfecting solution. Want to learn more about this advanced product, or inquire about how it can best work for you? Please feel free to give us a call at 888-489-9226. At Bio Shield Tech we pride ourselves on being experts on our products, and we’d be happy to help you make the best choice for your needs!