No Lab Equipment Required!
GlutenTox® Pro is a quick test for precise gluten detection in food, beverages, and on surfaces. Specially designed for gluten free food manufacturers and handlers who need rapid, accurate results without having to use expensive lab equipment. It is a semi-quantitative tool to avoid accidental gluten contamination in foods and on surfaces.
- Detects gluten from wheat, barley, rye, and oat
- Adjustable sensitivity: 5, 10, 20, 40 ppm of gluten
- Long-lasting and shelf-stable
- Results in less than 20 minutes
- No special equipment required
- Safe and easy to use
- Kit includes all required materials – no pipettes, bottles, scales, or heating blocks required
- Convenient and quick sample collection requires minimal training
- Cost effective – huge savings over other specific allergen test kits
- Sensitivity: 5, 10, 20, 40 ppm of gluten
- Specific to gluten from wheat, barley, rye, and oat
- Shelf life: 12 Months
- Matrices validated according to AOAC Performance Tested Methods (SM) (PTM) protocols:
- Food matrices: rice, flour, bread, cookies, rolled oat, pate, and yogurt.
- Environmental surfaces: stainless steel, rubber, plastic, food-grade painted wood, and sealed ceramic