GlutenTox Pro Now Available 

by Jeff Drucker | Oct 31, 2019 | Newsletter 

GlutenTox Pro Now Available- Designed especially for commercial kitchens and food manufacturers, it is a user-friendly gluten detection kit for foods, drinks and surfaces. GlutenTox Pro contains the G12 antibody that specifically recognizes the 33-mer peptide, the gluten fraction that triggers a reaction in those with celiac disease. 

No Lab Equipment Required! 
GlutenTox Pro is a quick test for precise gluten detection in food, beverages, and on surfaces. Specially designed for gluten free food manufacturers and handlers who need rapid, accurate results without having to use expensive lab equipment. It is a semi-quantitative tool to avoid accidental gluten contamination in foods and on surfaces. 

Detects gluten from wheat, barley, rye, & oat 
Sensitivity: 5, 10, 20, 40 ppm of gluten 
Long-lasting and shelf-stable 
Results in less than 20 minutes 
No special equipment required 
Safe and easy to use 
Kit includes all required materials – no pipettes, bottles, scales, or heating blocks required 
Convenient and quick sample collection requires minimal training 
Cost effective – huge savings over other specific allergen test kits