Antimicrobial Product & Solution Experts



hvac antimicrobial coating products

HVAC Antimicrobial Protective Coatings

Taking Measures to Maintain Inventory 

by Jeff Drucker | May 19, 2020 | Newsletter 

With decades of experience, Bio Shield Tech is pleased to say that even though no one could have predicted the pandemic, our team operated in a fully proactive way. With expertise in cleaning, protective and testing products, we have been working around the clock filling orders from previous and new clients. Thank you to our new customers who have entrusted our staff for insight, information, and to fulfill their ordering needs. 
We have always taken proper measures to maintain inventory and provide excellent customer service 24/7/365. In these difficult times, we are honored to be able to serve you and keep your business supplied with the best options for maintaining a clean and sanitary environment.